Cupa Primaverii 03.04.2011 – Baraj

Spring Cup 03.04.2011 – Baraj

Although I left home in a really good mood, when I arrived at Baraj, I was extremely excited. No longer I did not expect anyone but me (that’s right, I never asked about who will be there, plus I know that there are contests in other cities – although not recently checked the calendar, due to extra-mega-crowded schedule that I had, and I could not know that there is no other competion in the area), to which I was convinced that the other orienteers participate. So the surprise to see so many people there was very pleasant.

I do not think I took the best route to thefirst control, and at 6st control … already felt the climbing in my feet. After Melinda and Monica already had passed on me, I still wanted to go in my rhythm but … surprise .. At control 9, on the road, I stumbled and I got  hurt my hand and knee in a portion just full of stones. Needless to say I started to run slowly only when I felt like my knee does not hurt.

In 16 control, I was wrong and went in the valley, where I had seen the top of a cliff and I thought is the right one … ! By the end of the route we have not had noticeable mistakes, but I tried not to push the knee, which already had a big bruise …
The competition was extremely successful, with an excellent weather, with many people who made ​​the competition even more enjoyable, and I hope next year we will see the same formula at the beginning of spring …

Cupa Primaverii 03.04.2011 – Baraj
Cupa Primaverii 03.04.2011 – Baraj
Cupa Primaverii 03.04.2011 – Baraj
Cupa Primaverii 03.04.2011 – Baraj
Cupa Primaverii 03.04.2011 – Baraj
Cupa Primaverii 03.04.2011 – Baraj
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Spring Cup 20.03.2011 – Baraj

Although outside was like a rainy winter, I had the ‘courage’ and went to Baraj to do a training. As was the understanding, although the competition was for cyclists, I decided to go on the route (a bit long for me) running. I have never done a complete turn around Baraj, and the novelty of the places grew the pleasure of running although the rain persisted to make its presence felt. I expected that route, which was more than 12km, take me longer, but I made 86 minutes on it. The result obtained was good compared with the physical training that I realized lately, especially in terms of long distance running. This was a good opportunity to prepare for the long race which will be held in April, although my only goal in this competition is to make a ‘nice’ route.

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Juniper Open Spring 27.02.2011 - Tazlar(Hungary)

Juniper Open Spring 26.02.2011 – Tazlar(Hungary)

Although my participation in this competition was under question, because of planning the travel to the place where the competition was held, in the end I had the pleasure of taking part in Juniper Open. I say pleasure because it really was. I haven’t ran on such a demanding map since Croatia Open in 2010, and the challenges the land raised were very interesting. The map was technical, and in the first day, I have made lots of mistakes, both because of distance, and because of orienteering (some of them so silly mistakes), especially due to lack of technical training. From my point of view the competition was successful: the map was technical, had demanding routes, the area was interesting, and vegetation that has not grown properly yet, sometimes was more confusing than helpful.

Below are maps that I ran:

Juniper Open Spring 26.02.2011 - Tazlar(Hungary)
Juniper Open Spring 26.02.2011 - Tazlar(Hungary)
Juniper Open Spring 27.02.2011 - Tazlar(Hungary)
Juniper Open Spring 27.02.2011 - Tazlar(Hungary)

Juniper Open Tazlar Hungary 2011

On the same topic:
Site Event
Photos Ist Stage
Photos IInd Stage

Results: here

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Maramures Trophy 29-30.01.2011 – Baraj

On a very nice time, took place Maramures Trophy at Baraj. I have not skied for more than 6 years, and I could not wait to put skis on my feet. Although snow was just alittle, skiing was possible during the route. There were not many participants, but I totally enjoyed the competition. The nicest moment of the trip was when within a few meters before the end of my route, trying to stop the timer, I stumbled to the top of something and I fell like a pancake :) Below you can see the map from the first day.

Maramures Trophy 29.01.2011 - Baraj
Maramures Trophy 29.01.2011 - Baraj

Stage two was slightly more animated. Time was as beautiful as the day before and I was still able to ski all the route. I must admit that after the end of the competition I could feel the exhaustion in my arms and that I have not skied at all for such a long period of time. Unfortunatelly, I miss the times when the snow was so huge during the winter in our area …

Maramures Trophy 30.01.2011 - Baraj
Maramures Trophy 30.01.2011 - Baraj
Maramures Trophy 30.01.2011 - Baraj
Maramures Trophy 30.01.2011 - Baraj
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Yes, I am guilty that I did not update the site in a while and I apologize to all visitors who waited for news from this part of the web. Work took me all the time, has taken over other activities, such as updating the blog, leaving place only for those which are absolutely necessary, and just like that several months have passed without any news. But I set the foot down and I managed to prepare a new look for the blog, proper for this season, and I hope I will soon offer a few surprises. Yes, there are ideas, but like any idea, to come alive, it takes time, and time is passing quickly and ruthless when we try to do so much … On the other hand, see  you in the forest, as orienteering is a pleasure that I currently keep on top, until … time … work …

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